the hidden past CHAPTER 1 - 5

The sound of the flute from the song
"Sand Dream" by Yuki Kajiura and Revo ...if you hate can choose whatever flute based music you biggy...

chapter 1:the sound of flute
The intoxicating sound of of a flute mysteriously filled the air that morning,
waking almost everyone with a pleasant feeling lingering around them.
Wrapping in silence, the happy feeling that was heavenly in its own way.
As if the time had stopped in that moment of time, each person who listens
to the beautiful melody lunch into the state of high, as if they were drugged.
The pleasant music stopped seven minute later, leaving the one who enjoying it
to grunted as their senses began to smash back into their timid heads.
Then a second later later, curiosity began to struck them.
Where that pleasant sound had come from? Who played them?.
They begin to wonder around the place searching any plain sight of a person
who played the flute but none have succeeded to find the player.
They began to chat amongst themselves wondering around the place
with excitement. To their shock, all their wounds, scars, and injuries
healed the moment the sound of the flute is played and to added more
to their shock, the ruined buildings, houses, stores, all of the damaged that
has occurred during the war seemed to restored to its previous state.
Not just that, it looked like it was newly built rather than the original looked before.
This is strange, how this possibly happen? most of the buildings age already
reached more than one hundred years.
Without anyone notice , a mysterious figure hiding itself in the
dark shadows of the of the end of a small alley situated in the furthest building
in the town, alley so small that it could only fit two man standing closely side by side .
The Man wear a long hooded dark black cloak covering his head, a pair jet black
skin gloves and the same color of shoes. He seemed to cover all of
his skin from being visible as if any light cast upon will surely burn it.
The only thing that showed his skin is his face...
though the head that is covered with hood make only the
end of the nose and reddish lips visible to the eye. With just a slow and silent moves,
the man placed the remarkably refined and furnished dark red wood flute
made from a Holly tree in his hand into the pocket situated in his left side.
The flute has magnificent small colorful carvings on it,
revealing the shape of small flowers spread by numerous tree branch
all over the a low sigh, the man said to himself ,
"The time has come,soon the truth has to be set free,
But for this moment, I choose to wait, father."
He then started to walk. Leaving the small damp alley into
the main road, silently passing the crowd of people and
vanished from the sight a second later.

Chapter 2 :daily routine
Meanwhile, in the headquarter of the Dark Order, a big havoc is happening .
Who else could it be if not the daily quarrel (more like mini world war to me) between the famous food eating monster (that's what I thought he was..)
known by the name of Allen Walker and the pastry eating nerd formally known as Inspector Howard Link.
"what do you mean I'm an over excessive food loving eat freak !, you bloody
stupid two spot pastry gig! " shout the white haired teenager.
"Hah! That right! Your hearing it clearly brat! Your eating habit is preposterous,
only a monster could have taken that much food just to eat breakfast and finish eating it in such short amount of time, AND(emphasizing!) leaving dirty dishes only!
How on earth did you manage to put all the food that you've eaten ?." Scowled Link.
"My stomach of course! you dumb ass, where else could it be!." Reply Allen.
"Yeah right! Like I've believe that, if all the food that you've eaten could fit in there."
"Of course it could!."
"Hah! Like I've believe that! It is not a stomach, it is a black Hole!, why don't you
try eating the brick once, maybe you will grow to like it Walker!" Said Link
(honestly these is the same exact word my mother shout to me when we got into fight the other day...heee.. ) Followed by a stream of mocking laugh
(try to imagine Hiruma Yoichi with his YA-HA! trademark laugh...freaky).
"Why you cake fetish lover dumb ass, I will slice you to pieces and serve you to the akumas for their evening tea!"
seconds later they were brawling on the floor.
"Oh no,they do it again, really...what kind of stupid thing to fight that right Yuu?"
"Che...whatever...and how many zillion times I told you don't call me Yuu, you stupid rabbit!
If you call me Yuu again ill kill you Lavi!. Growled Kanda with a demonic appearance that makes Lavi's face as white as a sheet."
"what did you call me stupid rabbit..."(Kanda turn black at this can imagine the word "pissed" oozing out of his ear)
"Wha...I did it again..oh no, he snapped. I better run before he get me"
(really, Lavi . You better fix your habit before you end up in a grave with slashes of sword as your cause of death)
with that, the second fight a mess, with four of them fighting what else could you expect.
"Ahhhh here you are, Allen. I've been searching for you since this morning, well,
I should have guessed you were here earlier,since this is the place you like to hang out"
"Hello and good morning Reever-san,is there anything that I can help with...
stop pulling my ears two spot! I'm trying to speak here!"
(two spot Aka Howard Link, because he has two spot on his forehead)
"Not really, Komui just ordered me to find you.
He wanted to see you personally
(Reever said this out loud with a curious eyes to all the people whose eavesdropping.
In this case, other exorcist, idiot branch head like Bak-Chan, and some friends from science dept like Johnny)
in his place, of cause with you too Link, right away."
After saying this the mood in the canteen turned sour,they was wondering what did Supervisor Komui wanted to discuss with the white haired Walker.
There have been rumors about the boy regarding the ark and his master
(the womanizer/ drunker general Cross Marian), not to mention his sword is
exactly the same as the infamous Millennium Earl.
They tried to bribe (food), praise, eavesdrop, use special truth serum that were especially
have been put secretly in the tea (kinda like Verita Serum in Harry Potter,
just that this is not invented by the sadistic bat-like professor Snape but by science dept secretly)
(definitely a failure, the plan somehow managed to be detected by komui and Link who
use it against them by forcing them to drink it. Obviously the one who ended up drinking
the tea suffered a lifetime embarrassment. They actually spills all their deepest secrets out loud everywhere they go. Not that their lives contain any meaningful secret rather than a crush to Lenalee, oh boy, Komui will be furious. komurin get ready and go )
but the boy just refused to say a even word for god sakes!.
So, finally they give up and waited for the truth to be told even though there's a huge
probability that it will be kept secret for a very long time.
"Right, thank you Reever-san, I'll be going then."
His eyes turn sad but as usual he always smile warmly to them, even in the time he
were badly beaten and injured Aka in the bringer of death.
This was the only way for him to make them stop worrying about him
especially the worrywart Leenalee.
After murmuring something about an unfinished report, Reever head off to his lab
with the with other science dept scientist who apparently skipping their work to sleep in cafeteria, while dragging them with a mad face and he gave them a long long...grandma lectures about responsibility and the importance of finishing a work to them.
(can you imagine Reever in grandma mode, how about female bookman but with Reever's face hua... hua..haaa ugh my stomach hurts).
"I'll be alright, guys. Its not like he wanted to eat me, you guys just stop worrying. Well then, I'll be going now. See you later."
"Wait Allen, if brother bullies you, just tell me. I'll kic.. talk to him." Said Leenalee
(Komui''s only weakness, his cute little sister Leenalee Lee).
With warm smile he's off to Komui Lee's office.
By the time the boy and his watchman, Link arrived,there was already other
guest inside komui's office.
" Good morning Komui-san, Reever-san told me that you wanted to see ..."
Allen was shocked he didn't even care to finish his sentences.
"Oh good morning Walker, it been a while isn't it"...
To be continued...

Disclaimer ; i own nothing...
"Oh good morning Walker, it been a while isn't it"...
To be continued...

Chapter 3
"you ! what are you doing here? I thought you in Vatican City or
something . Dint you have your own business rather than bugging us, just scram!
if Leenalee see you here..."
(it's not just Leenalee , Half of the order hates him and his snake like face,seing him just
makes me remember "Hitler" if anyone remember, Hitler is a weird short moustage lot
who slaughtered people like they were chickens for dinner )
"That is not likely to happen Walker, don't you have some explaining to do about the
recent event in Edo or you just planned to keep saying that you don't know anything about "14th" Walker?"
"Link said to me that he have been having trouble in his job because you keep your mouth shut
like it was glued using a life time guarantied stuck adhesive glue." said the so called Hitler aka Inspector Leverrier.
"Answer my question first! And don't try to cut my word. Now what brings you here?"
questioned Allen with anxious face (while strangling Leverrier ),
maybe fearing that Lenalee will barge in anytime soon. He knew that Leverrier coming here must meant
something serious has happen or something bad, really bad will happen.
The last time that he here, the old headquarters had been severely destroyed by Lulubell and her akumas.
Just imagined the loss of life and suffering they had to dealt with just because
he wanted to keep the stupid blue egg. Yeah! not just to mention suffocating from a
highly dangerous psychotic trauma after the event. Does he really think offering a newly
made pastry can heal the pain she caused. Absolutely no! Even though Allen seemed to put averything inside his mouth without thinking as long as it is food eventhough the
person offering the food is a devil (he must have something hidden in his sleeve ).
"Okey! Okey I'll tell you! Just stop strangling me! .
Hearing this, Allen stop his action.
"Now that's better. The reason why I decided to visit today is because it seems that
the Pope had requested having an audience with you. Don't ask me why. I don't know,
he called me suddenly in his office and gave me this order without telling me why.
As matter in fact, he refused to tell me anything at all."
"What do you mean?". Ask the confused boy
"You heard me. So, early in the morning tomorrow you will depart to Vatican City escorted by me,Link and Komui Lee. No excuses, this is a direct order from the higher ups so don't you dare to object."
"By the why, wanna try may new extra choc with caramel liquid topped with marshmallow and sesame seed plus groundnuts cake?"
"Gladly!" said Allen with a merry face.
"Really! strange how the boy's mind work, how he can eat food without consideration who gave it is astonishing!" think the silence Komui and Link in a dark look.
Somehow, today they rather remain silence than interrupting the their conversation.
It seems rather odd that the pope wanted to meet Walker. There must be some secret going on the look of it, Leverrier doesn't have a clue on whats going on.
We can say the same about the white haired boy, he is as dull as everybody about the matter.
The morning arrived fast,when he has done packing Allen sit still in his room wondering what the pope wants with him. Even though he pretend to be relax and cool day before,
deep in his heart he still worry. As soon as he open the door to go out of the office,he was crushed with the jammed packed people peeping outside.
They started to ask various question to him that he cannot answer, he only smile and said nothing besides calming them. It seems that they thought Leverrier is up to no good again.
Please review sob...sob...

They started to ask various question to him that he cannot answer,he only smile and said nothing besides calming seems that they thought Leverrier is up to no good again...
" Hey Leverrier, what are you doing all this time while we're waiting for you in the boat. We're waiting for you like hours now ! , I clearly remembered you saying to be ready to depart at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning! Not in the evening you Hitler!".
The boy is in a fit of rage now, the poisanous aura is emmitting from every inc of him, it seems that the short mouchstache bloke is late for two hours from their supposed time of departure.
"Sorry sorry, I was busy preparing all this documents and cakes (at this moment everyone thinks, "wha... is he damn pattissier or an officer?" ) for the journey. The pope loves to eat my mont blanc ( writer:also my fav!) gateau au opera, tarte au chocolat, mille feuille aux fraises, onctueuse jivara lactee, creme brulee, salambo, choux parisienne and bla bla bla bla...
(allen's drooling like crazy after hearing those exquisite pastry)
...and of course as a succesfull officer,we must all honour the grandness of cakes! Only spoonful taste of this heavenly food, will get you hooked, get addicted and absolutely craving for more! .The rule if you want to be a succesful central officer is that :
1,must be knowledgeble in cakes. 2,must know how to bake and 3,must be cake maniac aka worship the cake! The last one,although it is not important is to know how to write!.
Let us clap our hands for the great and tha holy cakes!"
The only one who claps anthituastically after hearing such a fiery (yet stupid) speech is only Howard Link (he's a central officer also). Well, for others...
"Wha... what the hell a cake got to do with being an officer and why is writing is considered not important?"
Since they are sick of waiting and definitaly not dumb to further these idiotic conversation, they just drag Leverrier along in the train and begin another whole new topic before Allen starts to attack Leverrier due too sick of hearing his nonsense talk about cakes. They then continue to speculate over the various reasons why the pope wanted to meet with THE BOY.
The journey went smoothly and quietly for the next four hours or so before Allen pisses Howard of by mentioning about how Ravi comment the two spot that he has (Ravi even gave the man nickname 'TWO SPOT') , "STOP CALLING ME TWO SPOT ALREADY! You damn brat!"
Finally, the night has shed his veil upon these blessed souls (chehh..what I'm typing, a litreture or something) . The group leader , Leverrier (as if they want him to be...) inform them that they will reach italy the next morning and then they will continue their journey by using coaches. All of them are getting impatient,since their body are stiff from sitting too long in the train seat although they do admit the seats are comfortable and luxuriuos. As expected from a first class compartment.
Allen Walker decided to sleep since he decided that he may not get to sleep well after this. He has got a really dark feeling about this whole meeting with the pope. Well he is sleepy anywhy...maybe a good sleep will improve his mood somehow...hopefully...
"What! Where am I? Where is everyone? What is this pitch dark place? Hey! Komui san! Link! Leverrier! Where is everyone! Hey! Answer me!...
To be continued...

"What! Where am I? Where is everyone? What is this pitch dark place? Hey! Komui san! Link! Leverrier! Where is everyone! Hey! Answer me!...
To be continued...

DUMMM! , and then a loud crack is heard behind him telling that whatever thing
that he hit crack and was smash to pieces,
possibly a wall since dust has absolutely covered his vision of what causes him to be in
that quite a shocking state,
his eyes is blurry thanks to the blood that gush out of his injury in the forehead keeps
dripping into his eyes,he felt a tinge of pain beginning from his elbow to the back of his hand and into his palm. The color of red, the blood
had long stained his white outfit.
He closed his eyes, covering his eyes from dust . It seems that his hand is also injured, well almost all his body parts is injured actually.
The pain begin to increase so much that he was having trouble fighting the urge to moan loudly. Not wanting to show that person even an inch of the pain and weaknesses from him.
" Why am I'm doing this?, what is this feeling of hatred and sorrow in my heart? somebody please tell me what is going on, where am I?"
The dust has finally reduced, revealing a striking and beautiful man, long white blond hair clad in white dress, a cloak to be exact,
so breathtakingly beautiful that it would put the angels to shame.
Holding what looks like a head of a woman. A long red haired woman with a mysterious mark drawn or tattooed on the forehead.
Upon witnessing the scene, his heart immediately filled with bottomless sadness and sorrow that his heart began to wail loudly,
cursing the person standing before him,
releasing the deadly aura that spreads its power around him.
This dark aura fills the space with such a monstrous killing intent that
any life forms near it began to wilt endlessly until they are absolutely famish,
leaving them without a single energy, every droplets of their life power have been sucked dry instantly at that moment.
"My my brother, how shocking! . Have you become weak these past few years we've been separated. Doesn't matter, look Abel ! I've get rid of the negative matter already."
(he said this while dangling the head that he was holding happily...ehh did i say head!)
"We can be together again, like before just the two of us, come my half. Let us be united again as one, as we originally are, brother."
"Let us forget the mistake that had happened, come Abel. You know how much I love you, you are my precious, mine! Only mine!."
"This bitch! ,this negative matter, how dare she stole you from me! The only one who deserve your love is me."
Without himself realize,Allen said "don't you dare touch her with your filthy hand Cain!"
"What? What I just say?" Allen thought.
With a smile that man walk a few step closer and speak.
"What are you saying Abel? , she is the filthy one."
Suddenly the surrounding once more turned pitch black like before and Allen is left with a suddenly heavy headache..
"Ohhh..ohhh... my head! Wait! Who are you?...nooo...its dark again.."
"! WAKE UP!" exclaimed Link.
"You are screaming and crying in your sleep, your making me worried sick brat!".
"Are you okey?" Questioned Komui.
"It seems like a really bad nightmare you have there."
"Yes, yes I'm alright." The boy assure his worrywart superior.
An hour later the coach stop in front of a very grand and large gate. Leverrier got out and issue them to get ready to unload their belongings since they have arrive.
It seems that they have arrive in Vatican rather late in the evening since the sun has set and the moon has appear...finally! the holyland!
Thank you for reading this fic
Wait for nex chapter okey....zasssss....

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